Driving safety tips from Brake

Budget Rent-a-Car is a partner of Brake, the road safety charity.
For more information, visit brake.org.uk
Millions lose their lives every year because of simple driving mistakes or loss of concentration.
The roads we drive on are always a danger, but Brake are trying to ensure safe driving, here is Brake's Pledge to Drive Safely - a simple twelve-point plan that ALL drivers should and need to follow:
- Belt up
Front and back and ensure children are correctly restrained
- Slow up
Abide by limits and only overtake if totally safe
- Wake up
Never drive tired and take breaks every two hours on long journeys
- Sober up
"Just say no" to alcohol or drugs if driving
- Look up
Look out for people on bikes, horses and foot
- Wise up
If it's night, bright or bad weather, go slower
- Buck up
Calm yourself before driving if stressed, angry or excited
- Move up
Adjust head restraints so the top is no lower than the top of your head
- Sharpen up
Wear glasses or lenses if you need them
- Shut up
Switch your phone to voicemail
- Back up
From the vehicle in front - it's your braking space in a crisis
- Check up
Check brakes, tyres, lights, mirrors and windows